Efficient offices
The office provides the framework for a large part of modern-day knowledge work, whether it is case handling, development or operations and administration.
We are interested in how the structure and arrangement of the office best supports the various activities, tasks and employee types, which are found in the workplaces of today and in the future. And how they do it in a cost-effective way.
We focus on creating offices, which promote well-being for the people who use them, and facilitate efficient handling of tasks. There is a need for both open areas for collaboration and knowledge sharing and enclosed rooms for concentration and confidentiality. Also, the physical working environment, meaning light, sound, air quality and room temperature, must be thoroughly thought out. An investment in a good working environment is a short-cut to lower absence due to illness, greater job satisfaction and thus greater efficiency.
Space utilisation
We would like to assess the space efficiency of a given property and offer guidance on possible modifications or repositioning that can increase the degree of utilisation. In some buildings, an alteration for more open offices can result in significant savings in space, since an open office solution typically means that the given square meters can be shared by several employees and thus be used more rationally and multifunctionally than individual offices.
When repositioning, it can be a good idea to consider collocating with one or more other institutions in view of realising savings in rent and operational expenses.
Finally, if a larger group of employees frequently work outside of the office or work in places other than at the office for a greater proportion of the work time, the institution can achieve significant savings in space by having fewer desks than employees.
Flexible offices support the very different needs of a modern organisation. We would be happy to provide guidance on how it is possible to achieve as much flexibility as possible.
A flexible office property is:
- Space-efficient
- Adaptable
- Advantageous from an overall financial perspective
- Sustainable.
In order to support the varied needs in a modern organisation, the office solution itself must also be flexible. A flexible office is characterised by a certain degree of openness combined with a number of different extra facilities that can be used for different purposes.